Medical Abortion – Abortion Pill (Plan C)

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your pregnancy options?

  An unplanned pregnancy can be a very emotional experience and you are not alone. While Obria Medical Clinics do not perform or refer for abortions, we offer FREE pregnancy options counseling, medically accurate facts, answers to your questions, and the respectful, compassionate help that you  need in navigating pregnancy decisions. You are not alone – we are here for you.



Your Pregnancy Situation 

Are you considering a medical abortion (the abortion pill)?  

An unplanned or unexpected pregnancy can include many emotions like surprise, anxiety, confusion, fear, and others. Helping you through your emotions and understanding the facts is important. 

Obria Medical Clinics are where you can get low cost or FREE Pregnancy Options Counselling, medically accurate facts, answers to your questions, and respectful compassionate help that you want and need. We are here to walk with you through your pregnancy options for you to make the best decision for your situation.

Obria Medical Clinics do not perform nor refer for abortion services. 




More About Our Pregnancy Options Counselling Services

Our Pregnancy Assessment is to confirm you are pregnant and help you examine your pregnancy options. We will give you compassionate confidential care, evidence-based medical information about all your options, and non-judgmental support no matter what you decide to do about your pregnancy.

Our Pregnancy Assessment services – might be FREE depending on patient insurance / income. However, no patient is ever turned away due to inability to pay!

  • Low cost or FREE Lab-grade urine pregnancy test, confirmed by a nurse.
  • Low cost or FREE Ultrasound exam if you have a positive pregnancy test – this will help define realistic options. This is a way to see inside you– it is a very useful diagnostic tool.
  • Low cost or FREE Discussion of all your pregnancy options, so you can make an informed decision.

Our professional medical staff are available to discuss any questions you may have regarding an abortion, barriers to continuing a pregnancy, as well as abortion procedures, costs, and risks associated with abortion near you. The types of abortion near you that may be available depend on factors such as how far along you are in your pregnancy.  

While Obria does not perform abortions or refer to abortion clinicswe are here to help you examine all your pregnancy options (abortion, parenting, adoption) including the details about each option (procedures, risks, side effects, and more), so you can make the best choice for your situation. 

No matter what choice you make, Obria respects you and will be there for you. 

SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT – 30-second online form.


Other Testing

STI/STD test. We also highly recommend that you be tested for STDs/STIs. If you have an infection, it should be treated before an abortion, so the infection does not spread during the procedure. Obria provides low to no cost (Free) STD/STI testing. No one is turned away due to inability to pay. 

Blood test. It is recommended to get your blood type and Rh factor tested. If you are Rh-negative, you will need a RhoGAM injection to protect future pregnancies. We can provide referrals for this. 

We Can Help You Address Your Pregnancy Questions

  • Am I pregnant? 
  • How do I know if I’m pregnant? 
  • I don’t have health insurance. How can I get medical care? 
  • What about my future? 
  • What do other pregnant women do? 
  • What options do I have? 
  • What are the details, risks, side effects, and costs of abortion? 
  • What if I’m not sure about my pregnancy decision? Or I change my mind? 
  • What will my parents say? 
  • Should I tell the father? How do I tell him? 
  • How will I finish school? 
  • What will my classmates/professors/teachers think? 
  • How can I provide for a child? 
  • Where can I get parenting education?

Understand Abortion is a Medical Procedure 

It is important to understand that both types of abortion are medical procedures:  

  • medication abortion (abortion pill) 
  • surgical abortion

Like any medical procedure, it is important that you fully understand what you will experience before, during, and after the abortion procedure. You have the right to know everything about abortion before making such a serious decision


What is the Abortion Pill (Medical Abortion)?

The Abortion Pill is considered a medical abortion, medication abortion, chemical abortion, or non-surgical abortion. It can be called an in-home abortion since it occurs in the patient’s home, not in a medical facility. It is also called “Plan C”. Some people may describe it as self-induced abortion, self-managed abortion, or online abortion, although these latter terms are not the best description. 

The Abortion Pill is a combination of two prescription drugs, in two separate pills – Mifepristone (Mifeprex brand name) (RU-486) and Misoprostol (Cytotec brand name) – designed to induce an abortion or terminate a pregnancy. It should not be used if it has been more than 70 days since your last period, should only be used under careful medical supervision, and after confirming you are a candidate. 1

Abortion Pill Procedure Details 

The FDA-approved regimen for the Abortion Pill (RU-486) is a multi-step process including supervision by a medical healthcare provider or pharmacy, possibly using ultrasounds or other testing, and using two different medication pills1Two in-person ultrasound and exam visits for medication abortion are useful. In some states within the United States, most women undergo ultrasound for 1) pregnancy dating and 2) confirmation of complete abortion. In most states, one visit to a medical provider or a telehealth visit are still required to obtain the prescription. 2

  1. A medical appointment or telehealth appointment is had with a medical provider.  
  2. The two medications are prescribed by a licensed or certified medical provider and purchased by the patient.  
  3. Mifepristone (Mifeprex brand) – The patient takes this first medication Mifepristone which blocks the placenta from working properly. Once the placenta ceases to work properly, the pregnancy will lose the blood supply. Mifepristone should be given to you by a healthcare provider in a clinic, medical office, or hospital.
  4. Misoprostol (Cytotec brand) – After 24 to 48 hours after the patient takes the first medication (Mifepristone), the patient then takes the second medication Misoprostol, which contracts the uterus and expels the pregnancy and any other tissue inside. 
  5. Two weeks (14 days) later, another visit to the clinic is recommended for an ultrasound to be sure all the contents of the uterus are expelled and assessed for any complications or issues.


Some advertisements make medical abortion sound quick and simple with an abortion through telemedicine (virtual/remote/video) medical care, which prevents travel to an abortion clinic. In this scenario, an abortion clinic or provider conducts virtual treatment primarily through the internet and prescribes the medications to the patient.  

In-Person Comfort

For many people, when there is health risk involved, there is something that feels safer and more comforting about being in person, in the room with a doctor and/or a nurse, and having easy, quick access to themMany people want someone who takes the time to carefully listen, be supportive and help, and explain the specific details – in person. Telehealth has some notable limits. 

The Facts

It is important to have all the facts, so you understand how this will affect you.  

  • The medication. The U.S. FDA warns that you should not buy Mifeprex or its approved generic over the Internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health. Also, drugs purchased from foreign Internet sources are not the FDA-approved versions of the drugs, and they are not subject to FDA-regulated manufacturing controls or FDA inspection of manufacturing facilities.1 
  • Ultrasounds. This is a way to see inside you – it is a very useful diagnostic tool. The ultrasounds should be done by a trained sonographer. 
  • Medical Provider Care. There are multiple issues for you to address during the preliminary pregnancy choices counseling and the abortion procedure. This can be challenging to address through a brief telehealth interview and/or telehealth follow-ups. It is important to confirm what type and level of care you will receive during the procedure. 
  1. The licensed medical provider needs to be aware of your medical history. Some circumstances would make a medical abortion unsafe. Before prescribing the two types of medical abortion pills a licensed medical provider needs to determine if medical abortion is the appropriate course of action for you.
  2. You should clearly understand the following: 
    • The potential costs including financial, physical, mental health, and others.  
    • The risks and side effects.  
    • Your legal rights.

    3. Your questions and concerns should be addressed completely, so you feel comfortable with your choice and knowledgeable about the procedure and details. NOTE – Depending on the clinic / provider, you may not be under constant close medical supervision during some of the abortion process that occurs at your home. Therefore, you or someone with you (family, friend, significant other) will need to be responsible for your care, to assess if your symptoms require urgent medical attention and/or mental health care.

    4. Complications. There may be problems that occur along the way. If there are any occurrences, for example, unusual health symptoms, excessive bleeding, or flu-like / fever symptoms that indicate a possible infection, you need to be able to quickly contact your medical provider or a hospital for help.1 They need to be immediately available. 

While Obria does not perform abortions or refer to abortion clinics, we are here to help you examine all your pregnancy options (abortion, parenting, adoption) including the details about each option (procedures, risks, side effects, and more), so you can make the best choice for your situation. No matter what choice you make, Obria respects you and will be there for you. 

free clinical pregnancy testing near me


We can discuss the details of these issues during your visit to Obria Medical Clinics. Realize that:

There are potential costs to medical abortion, including financial, physical, mental health, family, and others. 

If this abortion method fails, a surgical abortion may be required for the successful abortion of the fetus. 4,5

If complications or issues exist, then additional medical care may be required. 

Mifepristone may cause serious side effects and should not be used if the patient has certain medical conditions. It should not be used under certain pregnancy conditions – for example, if implantation in the uterus has not occurred, which means the pregnancy is ectopic.6The abortion pill will not abort an ectopic pregnancy nor should be used if you have ever had an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening.  

NOTE – The U.S. FDA has enough of a safety concern that they have the medical abortion drug Mifepristone under their Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program. This program is for certain medications with serious safety concerns to help ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh its risks. While all medications have labeling that informs health care stakeholders about medication risks, only a few medications require a REMS.7

It is not recommended to take the abortion pill after the 9-week pregnancy mark.6 The FDA mandates that abortion pills must be prescribed under a medical health provider. However, since certain abortion pills are allowed to be purchased online, many patients take the abortion pill without the in-person supervision of a medical health provider. This is risky, since without the proper guidance and information, abortion pills can be hazardous.  

The Abortion Pill – What it is Not: Morning After Pill / Plan B 

The abortion pill (“Plan C”) is not the same as the “morning after pill,” also called the “Plan B pill” or an “emergency contraceptive.” The abortion pill is intended for women who have a verified pregnancy and is used to terminate an existing pregnancy.  

The “morning after pill” is intended to prevent a pregnancy from occurring – it is used shortly after sexual intercourse. The newest morning after pill, Ella, works on a similar fashion as the first pill in the RU-486 protocol, in that its action blocks progesterone receptors. It is approved by the FDA for use up to five days after intercourse and has abortifacient effects.8

For either pill it is advisable to speak with a medical professional before considering them, due to health considerations.

The Abortion Pill – Risks 

  • American Psychological Association (APA) research states, “It is important that women’s varied experiences of abortion be recognized, validated, and understood.”9 

    If you’re considering this procedure, make sure you understand what it entails, side effects, possible risks, complications, and alternatives. Therefore, an abortion decision should not be made without careful thought and understanding all the details. It’s important to know the potential impact it could have on your body and future health. 

    Abortion health risks, danger of abortion, and abortion side effects vary by the type of abortion procedure, your specific physical and mental health conditions, and how far along in the pregnancy you are.

    Medical Abortion Side Effects 

    Most women experience some of the following during and/or after a medication abortion. 10, 11

    • Abdominal pain 
    • Cramping 
    • Nausea
    • Diarrhea 
    • Spotting/bleeding

    Medical Abortion Complications (Potential) 4, 6 

    These are some possible complications that may occur: 

    • Heavy or persistent bleeding that is heavier than a normal menstrual period 
    • Infection or sepsis 
    • Incomplete Abortion  
    • Allergic Reaction  
    • Fever

Long-Term Abortion-Related Health Risks 

There is literature to support the possibility of these future abortion-related health care risks:  

  • Future Pre-term Deliveries 12 
  • Mental Health Impacts 13 
  • Infertility & Future Childbearing (if complications occur) 12, 14


            We are here to help you discuss your pregnancy options.


            Book a pregnancy options counselling appointment today. No matter what choice you make, Obria respects you and will be there for you.  

            Note: Pregnancy Assessment services – might be FREE depending on patient insurance / income, including: Low cost or FREE medical grade urine pregnancy verification testing verified by a nurse, Low cost or FREE pregnancy confirmation via Ultrasound, and Low cost or FREE pregnancy options education. However, no patient is ever turned away due to inability to pay! 




            1 Mayo Clinic. (n.d.) Miscarriage. Retrieved August 9, 2022 from 


            2 Kaiser Family Foundation (2022). The Intersection of State and Federal Policies on Access to Medical Abortion Via Telehealth. Retrieved August, 9 2022 from 


            3 Choix (n.d). Abortion pills mailed to you. Retrieved July 11, 2022 from Choix website. 


            4Mayo Clinic. (n.d). Medical Abortion. Retrieved August 5, 2022 from  


            5Medline Plus – National Library of Medicine / National Institute of Health. (n.d). Mifepristone. Retrieved August 5, 2022 from 


            6Cleveland Clinic. (2021). Medical Abortion. Retrieved August 5, 2022 from 


            7U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2021). Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS). Retrieved July 11, 2022 from 


            8 FDA. (2021). Highlights of prescribing medication ELLA. Retrieved August 12, 2022 from 



            9 American Psychological Association (APA), Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion. (2008 / 2009). Report of the Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved July 11, 2022 from 


            10 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2016). Mifeprex Medication Guide. U.S. Department of Health. Retrieved July 11, 2022 from 


            11U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2015). Misoprostol (Cytotec) Information – FDA Alert. Retrieved July 11, 2022 from 


            12 Mayo Clinic. (n.d.) Could and elective abortion increase the risk of problems in a subsequent pregnancy? Retrieved August 12, 2022 from,birth%20and%20low%20birth%20weight 


             13 Zareba et al. (2020) Psychological effects of abortion: An updated narrative. Eastern Journal of Medicine. Retrieved August 10, 2022 from 


            14 Mayo Clinic. (2021). Incompetent Cervix. Retrieved August 8, 2022 from