Reproductive Loss

If you are struggling to heal from a miscarriage, stillbirth, or post-abortion trauma we are here for you.

It’s incredibly tough to go through a reproductive loss, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to cope. Seeking help and support during this time can truly make a difference. You’re also not alone in this; many people have gone through similar experiences, and there are professionals and support groups specifically trained to help navigate this journey. Seeking help is a way of honoring your feelings and taking proactive steps toward healing. You deserve the care and support that will help you navigate through this challenging time, and we are happy to connect you. Book an appointment for Reproductive Loss support today.






Are you experiencing reproductive loss?

The loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or through continued unsuccessful efforts at family planning can lead to intense feelings of sadness and grieving, referred to as reproductive loss or reproductive grief.

These emotions can be complex and difficult to process, and many women often suffer alone, especially when this loss occurs before they have shared the news that they are pregnant with friends and family.  

If you have experienced reproductive loss, you are not alone. 

It is estimated that between 10% – 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage1. Around 30% 50% of these losses will produce feelings of anxiety in women, with 10%-15% experiencing symptoms of depression.2

Although reproductive loss is deeply personal and often veiled in silence, it is more commonly experienced than many would think. 


Reproductive grief is different from other forms of grief because you are grieving the loss of a future.

Unlike the loss of a loved one whom we have known and been able to spend time with in the past, reproductive loss is unique in that it leaves a void in the future in the shape of an unmet child. 

Reproductive grief also often has an element of disenfranchised grief, a term that refers to grief that feels like it cannot be publicly or openly acknowledged because it is stigmatized by society. In these situations, the feeling of loss is often feels like it is unjustified and may go unacknowledged or ignored.3 

Additionally, the bonding process between mother and the developing fetus also often begins extremely early, so it can be hard to articulate the intense feelings of loss when that pregnancy ends.  





Mothers who have undergone an abortion may experience their own unique form of grief.


Reproductive loss through abortion
Abortion is a deeply personal decision that can result in a range of different feelings. You may feel relieved or find that you are having a challenging time coping emotionally after making this decision, or even a combination of the two.  

Feelings of guilt, sadness, depression, and grief after abortion are more common than many think, and it is possible for feelings of unease to come on immediately or hit you suddenly weeks or even years after the procedure. A steep decline in the pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone may cause mood swings and emotional unrest, while internal moral, religious or societal beliefs may contribute to feelings of guilt and shame. Women who already suffer from mental health challenges like depression or anxiety may also be more susceptible to experiencing depressive episodes.4  

Symptoms of post-abortion trauma
 If you find yourself overwhelmed by any of the post-abortion symptoms listed below, please feel free to call us or make an appointment with staff. 

  • Guilt/regret
  • Depression
  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Nightmares
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Bouts of crying
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Avoiding intimate relationships
  • Engaging in unhealthy relationships 

Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) if you are thinking about or planning to hurt yourself. 

Obria Medical Clinics can connect you with resources that can help
Whether you would just like to talk to a sympathetic caregiver or join a Post-Abortion Support Group, Obria Medical Clinics will walk beside you during this trying time. 

Obria Medical Clinics also works with an online after-abortion wellness program called It is a confidential space that serves as a refuge for those who wish to begin the process of healing. This process includes building support, exploring emotions, and identifying loss. This pathway is a starting point for reflection and healing regarding the personal impact of abortion. Each person will go through the process differently. We encourage you to explore the site.

If you are overwhelmed or need local support, please call us at any of our locations. We are here for you. 

If you are struggling to heal after a miscarriage or still birth, Obria can help you find resources that can help 

1 in 4 women lose their baby during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy.

If you find yourself overwhelmed or in need of local support, find a counselor in your area or contact one of our locations to assist you. While is not a professional counseling site, nor is it meant to replace professional counseling, we are happy to help connect you to whatever resources you may need. 

Sometimes a reproductive loss experience can create intense emotions that you may not feel equipped to deal with on your own. Please use the Find Help locator to access national and local support resources.  

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) if you are thinking about or planning to hurt yourself. 







lf you are having a hard time coping with reproductive loss, here are some general recommendations to help facilitate healing: 

Give yourself permission to feel.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and there are no right or wrong emotions to feel. You may find that you feel fine one day and depressed the next and that is okay. You may find that you are at peace another day, and then angry or deeply sad the following– that too is part of the process. There is also no timeline or appropriate pace at which you should grieve.

Allow yourself the grace and time to feel everything you need to feel. It is important that you treat yourself with patience, kindness, and compassion, and recognize the only way forward is through. 

Find a support system.

While friends and family may make great listening ears and provide great advice or words of encouragement, often there can be no better balm for the soul than connecting with people and organizations who are designed for exactly where you are and know exactly what you are going through. Consider joining a reproductive loss support group or seeking a therapist with expertise in the specific area in which you are struggling, whether you have experienced a stillbirth, miscarriage, or an abortion. You are seen, acknowledged, and your grief is valid. 

Practice self-care, embrace routine and re-engage in activities that bring you joy.

It can be hard to feel positive or heal when basic physical, emotional, and social needs are not being met. Fuel your body with healthy food, exercise, or get outdoors, prioritize sleep, and find relief through journaling, meditation, prayer, or other beneficial practices. We encourage you to also lean into hobbies and activities that make you happy bring you fulfilment and encourage you to interact with your social circle. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and meeting all your needs. 

If you continue to struggle, consider seeking professional help.

Everyone from all walks of life can benefit from counseling or therapy. This is also true for those experiencing reproductive loss, as they are often sifting through complex emotions and thoughts that they do not have an outlet for due to a stigma of silence.  

You are not alone, and you do not have to do this alone.

Mental health practitioners not only offer a listening ear, but valuable advice, expertise and coping strategies related to what you are going through, even from within the comfort of your own home. Contact your insurance provider and find a therapist in your network today.  

You are seen, you are supported, and what you are going through is valid.

You are stronger than you know, and reaching out for support is a brave and positive choice. We are here for you.

For additional support, book an appointment for reproductive loss counselling at an Obria clinic near you. 




  1. Dimes, M. of. (2023, February). Miscarriage. March of Dimes.,20%20percent)%20end%20in%20miscarriage
  2. Figo, U. (2018, June 14). Psychological impact of miscarriage.

3. Ave, S. (2023, July 11). Understanding grief after abortion. South Avenue Women’s Services.

4. Malina, O. (2023, September 28). How to deal with Depression & Grief after abortion – talkspace. Mental Health Conditions.