Processing change with your child

Whether it is a change in your family, a move to a new home, new daycare, etc. it can be overwhelming for a child to go through.  But there is good news, you can help them through those changes and feelings! A few steps to help you navigate:  Be honest about what is...

Your Mental Health & Pregnancy

According to the March of Dimes, did you know that 20% of women will experience maternal mental health conditions during pregnancy or the first year postpartum? Pregnancy can bring on a mix of emotions, body changes, life changes. It is a lot to process! You are not...

Why should you get STD & STI testing?

It’s a conversation you may not want to have… But, according to the CDC, if you are sexually active, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to be tested for STDs. Having an open and honest conversation with a healthcare provider about your...