Why Prenatal Vitamins?

Importance of Prenatal Vitamins

The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins

“They make me nauseated, I can’t swallow pills, I keep forgetting, I can only do gummies, I ran out.” These are all common complaints voiced when it comes to taking prenatal vitamins.

However, it is important to recognize that Prenatal vitamins are essential at all stages in family planning, whether you are just trying to conceive, are relying on them to support a healthy pregnancy, or taking them during the postpartum period to supply key nutrients into your breast-milk for your baby.

In fact, taking your daily prenatal vitamins during the first trimester reduces the risk of neural tube defects, which are congenital defects of the brain or spinal cord. Prenatal vitamins with DHA provide omega 3 which aids in healthy brain and bone development of your baby.

Additionally, during delivery when you are having contractions, your baby will rely on the extra oxygen storage that they received during your pregnancy from the iron mineral in your prenatal vitamin.

Even though it may be inconvenient at times, make a plan to take that prenatal vitamin every day! Both you and your baby will be so glad you did!

Work and Home Life Balance

Finding a Work / Home Life Balance

Maintaining a work/home life balance can be incredibly challenging, especially when you have young children at home. Here are some tips for keeping a healthy balance even in the middle of hectic schedules.

    • Schedule weekly family time – even if you aren’t getting out of the house for fun activities, it is still important to set aside time for connection and conversation.
    • Set boundaries for work done outside of your on-the-clock time.
    • Give yourself time to decompress between work and time at home (e.g. prayer or meditation during your commute).
    • Have a backup plan in case you have to stay home with a sick child.
    • Communicate expectations with your employer openly.
    • Ask for help from friends and family when you feel overwhelmed.

Source: https://raisingchildren.net.au/grown-ups/work-child-care/worklife-balance/work-life-balance

Breaking Up Safely

Breaking Up Safely

All relationships have a beginning, but unfortunately some relationships do have an end. Knowing how to break up with someone safely is just as important as knowing how to begin a safe relationship with someone.

 It is said that people are in your life for a season and some in your life for a lifetime, therefore not every romantic relationship is meant to last forever.

When you are thinking about breaking up with someone it is important to ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. Is it time for me to break up?
  2. How am I going to break up with them? 
  3. How am I going to move forward? 

Once you figure out your answers to these questions the next step is to break up with that person. 

The following points are some breakup tips:

  1. Talk to an adult you trust. 
    • Share with an adult you trust on why you believe your relationship is not working. Ask them to come along with you for the break up if you believe your safety is at risk. 
  1. Pick a time and a private place. 
    • Don’t break up around the person’s friends and have respect to not break up with them before a big event, a huge test, birthday, or game. 
  1. Be clear and be honest. 
    • Don’t beat around the bush or make empty promises. Don’t give mixed messages, but get straight to the point and be honest about your feelings. 
  1. Avoid cruelty. 
    • Mention something you appreciate about them, if appropriate. 

These are all tips you can follow if you decide to break up with a person to ensure that you are breaking up with them in a safe and healthy way. If your safety is in question then be sure to reach out to a trusted adult or someone who can help you!

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