Abortions at Home: Buyer Beware Suwanee, GA
The outbreak of COVID-19 has turned life, as we know it, inside out and upside down. A surplus of uncertainty has created a storm fear and anxiety for most Americans. Is it safe to leave my house? Will a mask really help? Should I double-mask? What if I am asymptomatic but a carrier? How do I know if I have it? The questions go on and on. And so does the advice – solicited and unsolicited.
One message that has been well-heard in Suwanee, GA is the one to stay home. “Shelter in place” will forever be woven into our collective lexicon. In response to this “new normal” medical providers have responded by utilizing telemedicine. “Telemedicine makes it easier and more convenient for patients to stay healthy and engaged in their health care.” It offers flexibility and real-time care with a medical provider from the comfort of home. Problem solved, right?
Not so quick. There is one area where telemedicine has the potential to create more harm than good: the abortion industry. Obtaining an abortion through telemedicine eliminates the step of traveling to an abortion clinic. Instead, an abortion provider conducts a video evaluation over the internet. A few days later, the patient will receive her abortion pills via the mail. Too good to be true? Let’s examine the facts.
Prior to taking the abortion pills, you should visit a licensed medical provider to determine if this is the appropriate course of action for you. There are several factors to consider which cannot be determined through a video interview.
- It is important for a medical provider to be aware of your medical history. There are circumstances that would make a medical abortion unsafe, including (but not limited to) the following conditions: Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, allergies, adrenal failure, and incompatible Rh factors.
- Prior to taking abortion pills, it is necessary to have an ultrasound. A registered diagnostic medical sonographer will determine how far along you are, if the pregnancy is located in the uterus, and whether or not the pregnancy is viable. (Approximately,10 to 20 percent of pregnancies will miscarry naturally, and if this is your situation there is no need to consider an abortion).
Moreover, the age of the fetus determines whether or not you are a candidate for a medical abortion.
- A licensed medical provider will help you stay both physically and emotionally safe. Having an abortion could have serious emotional side effects which should be discussed prior to the procedure. It is also your right to know what all of your options are and to have a chance to have your questions answered and concerns addressed. It is your pregnancy, your right to know, and your decision.
If you are facing an unintended pregnancy near Suwanee, the staff at Obria Medical Clinics near Suwanee offers options consultations in a safe and non-judgmental space so that you are able to make an informed decision. Obria’s trained patient advocates and nursing staff are available to answer your questions. They will provide you with evidence-based information about all of your options. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts. Additionally, Obria Medical Clinics offers limited ultrasounds which will provide you with the information you need when considering the termination of your pregnancy.
You do not have to walk through this alone. We are here to help. To schedule an appointment with us, call or text 770-338-1680. For more information about at home abortion click here – athomeabortionfacts.com
Obria Medical Clinics-Lawrenceville
565 Old Norcross Road Suite 200
Lawrenceville, GA 30046