Teen Pregnancy

Book your Well-Woman exam today!

Think of a well-woman exam like a health checkup. It’s the perfect way to catch any potential issues before they become a big deal, giving you peace of mind and a jumpstart on staying healthy. Plus, you get personalized tips, answers to your questions, and it’s usually pretty quick and easy. So why not treat yourself to a little self-care and make that appointment? You’ve got this!

Thoughts of becoming a teenage mother is overwhelming to say the least. You may be feeling a wide range of emotions, from shock, disappointment, and even thoughts of harming yourself. Embarrassment may be your biggest fear right now, being worried about how others will react.

Whatever you are experiencing Obria Medical Clinics are a place that provides caring, non-judgmental confdential support for teenagers and women of all ages. Our medical staff is here to communicate with you and talk through your high running emotions.

If you are a pregnant teen, we want you to know that we believe you are capable of making your own decisions and knowing what is right for you. We don’t want you to feel your options are limited. When you come to Obria, you will be respected and met by knowledgeable, caring, medical professionals who provide evidence-based medical services and education about your pregnancy. They will care for you and respect your ability to make your own decisions.

If you can, it’s a really good idea to talk with your parents about your pregnancy. Chances are they care about you and want to help you. You could also talk with another family member, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, school counselor, religious advisor, or other adult that you trust. Choose someone who will listen, be supportive, respect your privacy, and won’t be judgmental or try to put too much pressure on you.

At Obria, our licensed medical professionals are trained specifically for this support. If you need help speaking to your parents or loved one about your feelings, or about the situation, Obria medical staff can be a neutral third party and provide you with great resources at a time like this.

Our website contains lots of evidence-based educational materials and we encourage you to browse our many topics. If you have any questions, please feel free to call and speak with one of our nurses or schedule an appointment for a confidential consultation.